Saturday, March 23, 2013


Yes, I am still alive. I fell off of the face of the earth for a while but I have returned! A lot has happened in the last few months and I have been a little overwhelmed with all the changes. In November Devin got transferred to a new work location. It was 100 miles from where we were living. If that wasn't bad enough, we only had one day notice and he had to be to work at 5:30 am.  Ya. I'm serious.  It was a rough time because I was pregnant and basically having contractions everyday all day. I didn't do anything but lay on the couch and pop chicken nuggets into the microwave for the kiddos.  It was pretty stressful to be uncertain about when this baby was going to come and have a hubby that was 100 miles from me and then another 60 miles to the hospital.  We contemplated renting, moving, staying, buying and could find anything that felt right.  That was until Thanksgiving when we came across a house sort of out in the country. It was just outside of Roosevelt Utah, which was where Devin was working. We jumped on it. It was perfect for us and after being crammed into a little apartment for 3 years, it was a much need change. We looked at the house and basically the next day we were filling out paperwork.  Buying a house was a fast process for us, which was good because the baby was going to come anytime, especially with the amount of contractions I was having. So we did it. Signed our life away. Eeek!Photo

We are nice and comfy in our new home. Now to plant grass-and let me tell ya, there is A LOT to plant but we are really excited.  I feel so old thinking about curb appeal and sprinkler systems.  Weird.


  1. New baby new house...wowza. You're like a real grown up rach! :) miss you. Hope you are doing well.

  2. the house looks super cute! you're amazing rach!

  3. Your house is so cute! You are so grown up! Ha ha ha. But really it looks great. Now we need a virtual inside tour :)
