Thursday, November 8, 2012

Aurora and the Tiger

These kids are getting a little stir crazy with a preggo momma, so they spend a lot of time doing this with daddy. Yes Casen is wearing a helmet. He had a few accidents but they weren't enough to keep him from going on a "ride".  I am sure that this blanket is going to have a hole from these kids being spun around on the floor, but hey, that's what being a kid is all about. 
Halloween came and went and was a blast.  We got to use our costumes a fair amount.  Between the activities that the town does and the church we made a haul on our candy. The joys of a small town I guess.  I was especially pleased because I worked really hard getting Reagan's sleeping beauty costume made.  I am actually pretty pleased with how it all came out. 

Reagan was princess Aurora and Casen was a tiger. He has a leopard costume that fit him much better but he refused to let it get close to him. Kids are so funny.   Super short post but its a post :) hopefully I can get some more pictures on here, but this computer is driving me crazy and the i pad is too smart for me... I already feel like technology is passing me by. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Crazy lady...crazy thoughts

I am full of crazy these days. Sometimes it helps to get some of the crazy and random thoughts out...which is what this post is all about....

I have decided to organize my home and document it. Those of you who know my blogging habits are probably laughing that I would actually do commit to this,but it's true. I am going to pick one area at a time and organize it. I also want to do this on a budget cause lets face it, I'm super cheap.

I am starting to get a little freaked out because I just realized I will have 3 kids 3 years and under. Yes, this did JUST occur to me.

I have had the itch to go somewhere for about a month now. I think it has something to do with the fact that when this baby comes, I won't be able to be away from him. That is a good thing but every once in a while I would like to, I don't know, have a date night. I know crazy idea but it's true.

 I like macaroni and cheese after it has been sitting awhile (we have been eating it a lot lately).

I should really start writing down the weird things I say to my kids. This morning I told Reagan that we don't put cheese on our feet.  Multiple times a day I tell Case that we don't eat things that are already in the garbage can. I told Devin that I accidentally stepped on Casen last night when he fell out of his bed. I am blind without  my glasses. Sorry Case.

I have been planning Reagan's Halloween costume since July. I ask her daily what she wants to be and the details of her dress because I am terrified that she will change her mind and refuse to wear the costume that I want to make her.

I hate maternity clothes. Hate hate hate. The pants are weird and come up to your armpits and I feel even more giant than I really am... Looks like its sweats for me :)

I miss running. It's a love-hate relationship but it is a relationship that I have missed and long for. Sometimes I struggle with the fact that I need to take it easy or that my body doesn't work the same when I am pregnant. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize the baby and his health. It's a struggle. Running shoes: we will have our relationship back in about 6 months ish.

I bought soda pop in cans for the first time since I have been married and it was a mistake. I LOVE root beer. It is my addiction that I never knew I had. Most of my life i have stayed away from pop because I hate the carbonation feeling in my throat and I feel like I can't breath, but I didn't know what I was missing.

Halloween is my favorite time of the year. I love the season change and I love the fun atmosphere. I use to love scary movies but now I cant watch one without having some messed up's not worth it.  Devin has already been informed of the bucket list I have planned for this next month. He's a good sport.

The other day in about a one hour period the following occurred:
      I was cooking dinner and it was Mongolian beef with brown rice and broccoli in the wok. That pretty much means for me that it needs constant attention because the steps move fast in the high heat so Casen decides to go on destruct mode.  First he rips a picture off the wall and it comes all apart with the glass in perfect playing reach then he tried to put a full pop can in the sink and didn't make it. The can fell back and nailed him in the eye...bleeding followed. Next he attacked the trash can tearing everything out until he reached the sick-and-nasty foam/blood catcher from the beef.  He then proceeded to play with the nasty thing until I realized what was going on.  I quickly washed him up and put him in the living room with cartoons on, hoping that would solve the problem. I gathered the trash up and ran in outside to the garbage can. I was gone maybe 10 seconds. In that time Casen got another pop can and it exploded. It just so happened to be a bight red pomegranate 7-up.  When I found him he was head down, bum up in the air and slurping.  At this point I was laughing because my ENTIRE kitchen was covered in red pop and I was pretty sure I might cry if I didn't.  Don't forget I have food cooking still that I am desperately trying not to destroy at this point. After I take pictures and lay towels down to cover the mess Reagan walks into the kitchen, "Mom, the floor is sticky!". Ya I know.  The night didn't end there... it just goes to kids and their bodily functions in inopportune times i.e. during dinner and in the middle of the night, so you can use your imagination.  Bless those sweet little kids of mine!

There is still lots more crazy bouncing around between these ears..... But I will spare you for now.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

From Birthdays to Black Eyes

This summer has flown by....well kinda.  As you know now we are expecting our 3rd bundle of joy in January. Saying I'm really excited is an understatement.  I love the new little baby smell and the adorable tiny clothes and their scrunched up little faces! It just melts my heart.  The part that doesn't please me as much is the pucking, so tired that I can't do ANYTHING, grouchy feeling because I am a complete bum and just sit in nauseous pain.  It's true. I can't even go grocery shopping without being completely exhausted (if I can make it through the store without bursting into tears...thats a win!).  Don't get me wrong, I am super grateful that I am able to have babies and get pregnant, but the being pregnant is a challenge for me.  This story does have a purpose... it's my excuse for not updating my blog on all of the fun this summer. It has been jam-packed...seroiusly, like every single week we were gone doing one thing or another. I love me some summer time! So here it is in picture form (well at least some of it).

Happy Birthday Casen! One already!
Birthdays and Black Eyes!
Tractor rides with Daddy
We are quickly out growing the room for all these kids!
Sleepover and Gma Philpotts

I am trying to be a less crappy seamstress. This is
my latest project.  Circle Skirt for Reag.

Come to find out that we have zippo- nada for July decor....until now
I love Case and his perma-smile!
Reagan "helping" Casen ride the 4 wheeler at the park

Family pictures at last..... which ones should I put on the wall?
These kids are so gosh dang cute!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Five Year Hoopla

Happy anniversary. Five years ago (and a few months, but get off my back we finally have time so celebrate) Devin and I got hitched. You hear people say that the first few years are the hardest in a marriage. We have had an amazingly wonderful 5 years and if this was suppose to be a hard time in our lives, I am thrilled. I married someone who is my best friend and my greatest match. I think about what makes our marriage wonderful and I credit Devin. He is someone who is everything that I never knew I needed. Well enough of the sappy stuff... Devin and I took an amazing trip for our anniversary. We went on a beautiful cruise to Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island.  It was a unreal. One of my favorite parts (that i amazingly didn't take any pictures of) was the exquisite food that were ate a lot of. And really, I mean a lot!  Buffets, deli's, 24 hr pizza, room service, dining rooms, unlimited ice cream-- need I go on. Devin even tried some frog legs- they looked like frog legs- that freaked me out a little. I also enjoyed the  chocolate buffet-A-MA-ZING!!! Between the chocolate melting cake and fresh baguettes served daily, I gained a happy 5 pounds, but believe me, it was definitely worth it! Happy 5 amazing years Dev!

Getting ready to horseback ride on the beach and in the ocean on the beautiful island of Jamaica.

Me on good ole' Champion

 For some odd reason Devin has a ridiculously small horse named Pretty Boy

 Unbelievable experience! Swimming with the stingrays was so much fun. We got to feed them and kiss them! Some kiss back!
 Devin's uhhh "kiss" back. He was feeding one stingray and another sucked his arm.  Doesn't take long to leave their mark!
 Riding back to town on the catamaran
 A fraction of the chocolate buffet
 Sunset on the top deck. So romantic and relaxing.
 Off to the dining room for more food!
 Lovin us some stingrays.  Muahh
 Stingray giving us some love

Reagan's Birthday

Happy Birthday Reagy!!!!
I can't believe that my precious little munchkin is 3 years old.  She is such a joy!
-She loves Dora the Explorer.  She would wear the same Dora shirt and shoes and pajamas every single day if her mean mother would allow.
-Reagan is a chatter box. Her new favorite thing to say... Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom MOM!  Over and over. Bless her little heart and my selective hearing.
-Reagan is obsessed with playing pricesses and dragons, and Duck Duck Goose.\
-Reagan is super sweet.  She always asks me if I am ok or if I need a hug.  Awhhh.
-Reagan loves her little brother. She loves to hug and kiss and change his diaper and she will even make him a bottle--all by herself.
-Reagan is now into bargaining. When I tell her 1 more minute until bedtime, she will give the puppy dog eyes and say "but mommy I just want to snuggle with you a little more".  She wins everytime!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So long time no post, eh? Well I do have an explaition for you. My computer died. It had terrible words like 'hard drive death' and 'all those pictures that Devin said to back up... ya goners' or something to that effect. It was bad news. So without pictures this is what we have been up to.

-We had Christmas.... haha I can't believe it has been this long. It was rockin' to say the least. Kitchens, all things Dora and lots of cutlery (saws, kives, sewing scissors, rotary blades etc.)
-We are in a volleyball with league with some cool people in our ward. We play 4 man and it is super fun
-Casen learned to crawl. I knew this day would come, but I was cool with him taking his sweet little time. I always think my house is baby proof until they are crawling and they eat rings and play in the toilet and eat scraps off the floor. I guess he takes the place of a dog or something.
-My sweet children don't really have breathing problems anymore. This may sound small, but I was really worried about them. People need to breath and these kids weren't breathing very well and it freaked me out. We got a rockin' new vacuum and bye-bye breathing problems.
-I got to see my Grandparents. I really love my grandparents and they moved to St. George so I don't get to see them as often as I would like.
-We had our first annual Epic Valentines Day breakfast. We had heart shaped sprinkle pancakes with warm berries in homemade syrup, pink scrambled eggs, pink milk, candles, heart plates etc. you get the picture. Oh and I have a pictures but with no computer... ya.
- I started my aerobics class again. I love exercise and I get to be the boss and make people follow me and I make them sore. I love it.
-We finished Reagan's loft bed. The kids' room is super small so Devin built her a loft bed that is up high so Casen's crib can fit nicely underneath. She loves it because it has a ladder- seriously, what kid doesn't like a ladder.
- Devin has been saving up for his baby. It is a 55'' LED Smart TV, super awesome and least that is what he tells me. Oh I think there is a 240 hz or something in there somewhere. To say the least, we are lovin us some sports. And the best part is we paid cash. Wahoo. Which bring me to the next one...
-Dave Ramsey is my best friend. He has changed our financial life and I am eternally greatful. If you want to be financially awesome then check out Dave or talk to me. I am practially a walking billboard. (kinda random but whatever)
-I had a moment where i didn't know if I should laugh or cry or punish, so I said nothing.
Reagan and I were at the grocery store and she was mad because I wouldn't buy Dora icecream or something. Since she thew a fit, she didn't get a treat at check out either and by the time we got to the car she was ticked. I came around to put her in the car and I told her to get it. She looked at me with a death stare and said, "Mom, you don't tell me no!" The guy getting into the car next to us looked at me with this 'oh boy' sort of stare. I was so shocked that I didn't know whether I should laugh or parent. I laughed and got in the car. Don't judge me on my lack of parenting skills in this instance; it was way too funny.