Saturday, December 17, 2011

Smile? Please?

Christmas card pictures....bahahaha
Who knew that pictures were going to be so difficult this year. My first clue was that Casen was super sick: he couldn't sleep, breath, smile-nothing. He was (and still is) miserable. Poor little guy. Reagan is sick as well. She also doesn't believe in sleeping or eating, so she was a joy. Both Devin and I are sick and not sleeping- not because WE are sick, but because those sweet kids of ours don't think the practice is necessary. I should have just thrown in the towel for those few reasons, but I didn't. This is the result....

Yes Reagan is picking her nose in this shot


  1. This made me laugh so hard, gotta love trying to catch a good pic when the kids are in such a "smiley" mood :) Even with his sad little faces, Casen is adorable!

  2. Oh man, too funny! I definitely would have busted up laughing if it weren't for the fact that I'm at work and supposedly calling on our collections accounts :)

  3. oh my goodness! there's something about photo shoots and families, i feel like ours is always full of drama. I do have to say that I love these pictures though. despite the illnesses, and the tears and the bogies, these kids are so stinkin' cute!

  4. If you go private, I just found you and want to keep in the loop.

    Hope you had a good christmas, looks like our house a little crazy, but who wouldn't love it!!!


  5. Hey Rachel!!! It looks like you are having such a great time. Your kids are so adorable!!!! I love their faces in the pictures!!! If your blog is private here is my email....
