Thursday, August 16, 2012

From Birthdays to Black Eyes

This summer has flown by....well kinda.  As you know now we are expecting our 3rd bundle of joy in January. Saying I'm really excited is an understatement.  I love the new little baby smell and the adorable tiny clothes and their scrunched up little faces! It just melts my heart.  The part that doesn't please me as much is the pucking, so tired that I can't do ANYTHING, grouchy feeling because I am a complete bum and just sit in nauseous pain.  It's true. I can't even go grocery shopping without being completely exhausted (if I can make it through the store without bursting into tears...thats a win!).  Don't get me wrong, I am super grateful that I am able to have babies and get pregnant, but the being pregnant is a challenge for me.  This story does have a purpose... it's my excuse for not updating my blog on all of the fun this summer. It has been jam-packed...seroiusly, like every single week we were gone doing one thing or another. I love me some summer time! So here it is in picture form (well at least some of it).

Happy Birthday Casen! One already!
Birthdays and Black Eyes!
Tractor rides with Daddy
We are quickly out growing the room for all these kids!
Sleepover and Gma Philpotts

I am trying to be a less crappy seamstress. This is
my latest project.  Circle Skirt for Reag.

Come to find out that we have zippo- nada for July decor....until now
I love Case and his perma-smile!
Reagan "helping" Casen ride the 4 wheeler at the park

Family pictures at last..... which ones should I put on the wall?
These kids are so gosh dang cute!!!!